Perhaps the single greatest thing to happen to nutrition in the last 20 years has been the rise of organics. An organic food item is one that is farmed or raised without the use of pesticides, chemicals or other unnatural compounds. If you live in a big city, chances are you have markets full of organic produce and meats. If you live in a more rural area, you may have to locate organic farmers in your area.

Here are just a few organic additions you can make to your life to improve your health. Organic bars are energy bars that are organic can be a huge boost to your overall nutrition and to your health. Let's face it, we all like to snack. However, instead of reaching for a candy bar or some other chemical-laden food item, reach for organic bars instead. They are made of all natural fruit and nuts and they taste great. They work as a standalone snack or they work as a meal replacement in a pinch. You won't believe the difference organic bars make to how you feel each and every day.

What is organic veggie? If you've never had the opportunity to taste organic vegetables and fruits, here is a little challenge for you. Buy some organic bananas and some regular bananas and try them one right after the other. If this doesn't turn you into a full-time advocate of organic food, nothing will. The difference between organic and non-organic veggies and fruit is like night and day. Not only is the flavor more intense, they are better for you, as well. It is important to know where your food comes from and organic farmers are mostly small, independent farmers who do what they do out of love. We could all use a little more love in our lives.     

What about organic milk and juices?  The same boost in flavor and nutrition that we find in organic veggies and fruits can be found in organic milks and juices. If you need proof, perform the same kind of taste test you did on the banana. You simply won't believe the intensity of flavor found in organic products. While it is true that organic milk does cost a bit more than regular, it is more than worth it when you realize it tastes better and is better for you.     

Let’s talk about organic meats.  The toughest transition for many people to make is from regular meat to organic. The price difference here is huge, but it is important to understand the benefits you get from an organic piece of chicken or a steak. The animal was fed all natural, organic feed for their entire life. No processed garbage, no bits of other animals. Obviously the cost of doing this is high for the farmer, but you are getting the healthiest piece of meat you could ever imagine. Many people who commit to an organic lifestyle simply eat more organic bars and less meat, which is a cost-conscious way of doing things. Try an organic chicken breast and see the difference it makes.